Blog Lunch

Lunch for 1

As I’ve already mentioned, my husband owns a restaurant, so he works all of the time. Our kids are already 10 and 14, so they are at school during the day. This leaves me to have lunch solo most days. Let me tell you, there is no reason to just be grabbing crackers from the pantry. My lunch game is strong and I want to share it all with you. Just because you’re eating alone, doesn’t mean it has to be boring. Some of my favorite meals are my lunches, because I don’t need to worry about what anyone else wants and I can make them super simple and healthy. My lunches are quick and delicious.

First off, leftovers are you friend, but not in the dull way you are accustomed to. Take that little bit of chicken or whatever type of protein you have from the night before and transform it in minutes. I make a variety of quick stovetop hashes that are delish. Almost all of them start with a little good quality olive oil and diced onions. From there I toss in either diced up leftover potatoes, sweet potatoes, or butternut squash. SautĂ© that goodness around with the onions and add a little fresh garlic too. Now grab whatever odds and ends of veggies are in the fridge. I typically have kale, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower, bell peppers, green beans, and mushrooms on hand. Take a few of whichever veggie you have and toss that in too. Now add the bits of protein that you had leftover from the night before. Toss it all together and I’m telling you, you’re going to thank me. The flavors combine beautifully and it is so much healthier and faster than lots of fast food options. If you don’t have protein left over, you can just have the veggie hash or you can top it with an over easy egg. The possibilities are endless. It is a great way to create a quick lunch and an easy way to make sure leftover are being eaten and not left to spoil in the fridge. Win – win!